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Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers are ranged guards that protect your colony. As long as you provide an Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer with a bow, they will protect your colony day and night.

  • They will use armor when provided with some.
  • They don't require arrows to shoot, but can optionally use them for extra damage if you’ve completed the Consume Arrows in the University .
  • The higher an Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer their Agility level, the more damage they'll do. The higher their Adaptability level, the greater their range will be.

Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer in Training

Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers in Training will train at the Archery to become an Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer . They will use a bow to shoot practice dummies and will level up without a risk of dying to mobs.

Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers Archers in Training are not actual guards even though they are dressed in the usual guard clothes. They will not help defend your colony, only guards will do that.

Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer

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